
Check today's Bitcoin risk score or explore risk metrics for more cryptocurrencies at AlphaSquared's website.

AlphaSquared Risk Metric

The AlphaSquared Risk Metric is a macro risk indicator for Bitcoin, powered by a machine learning model trained on vast market data. It classifies market risk in real-time, accurately identifying bull market tops and bear market bottoms.

How to Use the Risk Metric

Use the daily risk score (0-100) to adjust investments: buy more when risk is low, reduce exposure when risk is high.

  • Low risk (0-20): Indicates bear market bottoms and strong buying opportunities.
  • Moderate risk (20-60): A neutral zone, suitable for gradual accumulation.
  • High risk (60-100): Suggests bull market tops, a time to reduce investments or take profits.

The metric is optimized for a Risk-Adjusted Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) strategy, helping investors accumulate BTC while mitigating downside risks.

Check today's Bitcoin risk score or explore more at AlphaSquared's website.